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Fit Tips:

Weight Training Exercises You Can Do While Traveling

Weight Training Exercises You Can Do While Traveling

Are you someone that likes to travel, but also likes to stay fit and healthy If you’re constantly on the road, it can be difficult to get into a consistent, energetic workout routine. After all, many people that have regular access to a gym don’t even workout on a regular basis, so adding in the extra work of traveling can make staying fit a challenge.

Traveling a lot doesn’t have to mean that you get out of shape, however. There are plenty of exercises you can do that don’t involve needing a full gym – or even weights.

Warm Up Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Still Making

Warm Up Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Still Making

You’re an athlete or a fitness enthusiast: you’ve either just started a new routine or have been working out for a long time. Fitness isn’t just something you do, it’s a part of you. But did you know that you could be making common warm-up mistakes - that are hurting your body?

Everyone knows that warming up is a very important part of the fitness process. Unfortunately, even though we know that, many of us don’t take the time to actually warm up properly. Or, we’ll warm up properly for a day or two then quickly forget about it. Or we’ll do it sporadically.

Not warming up properly is a great way to get injured.  It’s also a great way not to adequately prepare your body for the workout that’s about to come. Here, we’ll discuss some common warm up mistakes that you should avoid. After all, it’s your body - you should treat it wisely!
The 5 Greatest Benefits Of Exercise

The 5 Greatest Benefits Of Exercise

Think exercise is just about getting thin? Think again!

Many people begin an exercise routine because they need to drop a few pounds or their doctor has told them they should lose weight for their health. Those are both great reasons to begin an exercise routine - but they aren’t the only reasons. The truth is, exercise is highly beneficial in a lot of ways - many of which have nothing to do with getting thinner or physically fitter.

If you want to improve your entire life from start to finish, exercise is the way to go. Here, we’ll talk about the five greatest benefits of exercise - from getting fit to getting happy!

Top 7 Great Stretches for your Legs

Top Great Stretches for your Legs

Flexibility…either you have it or you don’t. If you have it, life is as good as a box of chocolates. If you don’t, life is as nasty as a bag of black jellybeans. Flexibility is essential to prevent injury when doing everyday activities. The best way to improve your flexibility is stretching. Some benefits of stretching are:
  • Improving athletic performance for some activities
  • Speeding up recovery from muscle soreness from a strenuous workout
  • Decreasing the risk of activity-based injuries.
How to Improve Aerobic Fitness

How to Improve Aerobic Fitness

Aerobic fitness is an important predictor of overall health, and it’s something that many fitness enthusiasts strive for. But you don’t have to be a high-level or experienced athlete to aim to improve your aerobic fitness – even those of us just beginning a new fitness program can benefit from finding targeted ways to improve our aerobic fitness. Improving your aerobic fitness will lead to a range of benefits – everything from a lower risk of obesity to improved blood pressure and cholesterol numbers. In this article, we’ll walk you through some tips you can use to improve your aerobic fitness.
Too many people are dealing with stress. Like a spam call, it just won’t leave you alone unless you do something about it (thank god for call block apps!). The worst thing about stress is it causes weight gain due to your body releasing cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that increases your appetite and fat storage predominantly in the abdominal area (i.e. which could be one reason you have stomach fat).
So how can we combat this cortisol issue? Exercise! Numerous studies have touted the soothing benefits of exercise. Here are five workout and nutritional tips that help relieve stress.

How Much Water Should You Be Drinking?

How Much Water Should You Be Drinking

Among the recommendations for how we can all be healthier is one classic that is repeated by fitness professionals, doctors, and even parents: drink more water! Most Americans don’t get enough hydration, so the advice to drink more water is generally talked about a lot in fitness circles. It doesn’t matter if you are eating right, working out, and getting enough sleep: not getting the proper amount of hydration can ruin everything.
So, what is the proper amount of hydration? Well, different groups recommend different amounts, so we’ll help you synthesize the information.

The Importance of Core Strengthening

The Importance of Core Strengthening

"All physical activity begins with the body's core. I maintain the strength in my core so that I can jump, run, start, stop, and accelerate at the highest levels." Derrick Rose
Throughout the fitness world, emphasis has long been placed on core strengthening. Unfortunately the word core has become synonymous with abdominal, causing many people to mistakenly focus on crunches whilst overlooking the most important set of muscles in our bodies. The core is in fact a complex set of muscles around your trunk, and not limited to your abdominal as many believe.

Isolated vs Compound Exercises – Which is Best for Bodybuilding?

Isolated vs Compound Exercises – Which is Best for Bodybuilding?

Compound and isolated exercises have different impacts on your unique bodybuilding goals.  Knowing how each type of exercise affects your fitness goals will help you adjust your routine accordingly for maximum results. Which one is right for you.

Slow and Steady VS Interval Training. Which is Better?

Slow and Steady VS Interval Training. Which is Better?

The body requires exercise to tone, remain healthy, develop strength and endurance, and maintain an optimally functioning cardiorespiratory system. Both steady cardio and interval training have an impact on the body, benefiting it in various different ways.

Bodybuilding Tips For Women

Bodybuilding Tips For Women

If you've recently thought about getting more fit, chances are you may not have examined the world of bodybuilding. Well, you should! Bodybuilding for women is making a comeback – and it's a great sport for women to get into right now. After all, strong is the new sexy and women are stronger than ever. If you're a total beginner, it's the perfect time to start getting into bodybuilding. Here, we'll give you some tips on how to jump in.

How to Get Ripped Fast

Get Ripped Fast

Every man and their dad would love to get ripped fast. That’s without question. The question is you willing to do what it takes to achieve that goal? This article is dedicated to those who want the straightforward answer towards getting a natural, ripped physique (i.e., without using steroids or other muscle-enhancing drugs) worthy of being in any fitness magazine. With that said, here are 5 methods that will get you ripped fast:

How To Stick To Your Fitness Plan

Stick To Your Fitness Plan

Starting a new fitness plan is always an exciting time in your life – it's easy to look forward to slimming down, toning up, and feeling better about yourself. After the initial push of excitement, however, you may find that sticking to your new fitness plan proves difficult: once the day-to-day routine sets in, it can be harder and harder to find the motivation and discipline you need to stick to your pan. We’re here to help! In this article, we’ll give you some great tips for sticking to your fitness plan.

Top 9 Functional Training Exercises

Training Exercises

Conjunction, junction, what’s your function? If under 30, you are probably unfamiliar with that rhyme being played back in elementary school. (It’s from School House Rock). As far as functional exercises, your body should get familiar with them. Functional exercises train your muscles to work together and prepare them for daily tasks by simulating common movements you might do at home, at work or in sports.

Weight Maintenance

Weight Maintenance

I wrote in a previous article about the struggle I had with my weight. I fought the need to make a change with my mind, my emotions, and my actions. I accepted that I was obese, and had to make a change in order to live a more fulfilled and healthy life. I discussed the importance of being consistent, patient, mindful. I reviewed the benefits of enjoying the process and finding support.

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight is a goal that many people set for themselves. This can range from a few final pounds to look better for a wedding, a more aggressive goal to feel better, or a huge goal in order to stay healthy.



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