
Showing posts from June, 2020

Cardio Workouts for Women: 9 Best Cardio Exercises

Cardio Workouts for Women: 9  Going to the gym can sometimes feel like a drag, but the health benefits of regular exercise are worth the effort. Cardio exercises are an essential component to help women maintain a healthy lifestyle. But what are cardio workouts? Are some cardio exercises better than others? We’re diving into the best cardio workouts for women, so you know what to do the next time you hit the gym. Here are some of the most popular cardio workouts for women: 1. Walking  Walking is a wonderful activity you can do when you first add cardio to your workout routine. Go for a brisk walk in the park on the weekend, or give yourself extra time between meetings to walk instead of taking transit. Walking is also a simple activity that you can do to alleviate period cramps. Depending on the terrain, you can burn up to 200 calories just by walking for 30 minutes.  2. Running (or walking) stairs  Running or walking stairs increases the intensity of your ca

10 Best Exercises for Women

10 Best Exercises for Women Read on for the 10 of the best exercises for women for strengthening your core, inner thighs, butt, and shoulders, plus tips on how to seamlessly add them into your workout routine. How to Use These Moves 1. Total-Body Workout for Women For a quick, total-body workout for women, pick five of the best exercise moves and do 3 sets of each. Move as fast as possible between moves for maximum calorie burn. The next day, do the other five exercises. You can incorporate a few sets of cardio intervals into the total-body training session or do it separately for a longer period of time. 2. Target a Specific Zone If you want to strengthen one or two areas in particular, pick the best exercises that focus on those places and incorporate them into your existing workout routine. Just remember to continue challenging your body by gradually increasing the weight or number of reps as you get stronger—these will only prove to be the best exerci

Dumbbell Exercises For Seriously Toned Arms

Dumbbell Exercises For Seriously Toned Arms: 1. Biceps Curl Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells at sides. Palms should be facing forward, with back straight and chest upright. Without moving upper arms, bend elbows and curl weights toward shoulders. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to starting position with control. That's one rep.  Complete 8 to 12 reps. 2. Curtsy Lunge With Biceps Curl  Stand with feet hip-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand. Take a big step back with right leg, crossing it behind left while keeping hips facing forward. Bend knees and lower down until the right knee almost touches the floor. At the same time, bend elbows and bring the weights toward shoulders, keeping elbows pointing down. Step through left heel as you come to start. That's one rep.  Complete 8 to 12 reps on one side, then repeat on the other. 3. Upright Row Stand with feet hip-width apart, with arms resting in front of body and a dumbb