
Showing posts with the label Chest & Triceps

Chest & Triceps,Barbell, Bench,Bench, Dumbbells,Bench, Barbel,Adjustable Cable Machine, D-Handle Attachment,EZ-Bar, Bench

Chest & Triceps: EXERCISE 1A INCLINE BARBELL BENCH PRESS You'll need: Barbell, Bench How to 4 sets 8 reps -- rest EXERCISE 1B INCLINE DUMBBELL FLYE You'll need: Bench, Dumbbells How to 4 sets 8 reps 2 min rest EXERCISE 2A DUMBBELL PRESS You'll need: Bench, Dumbbells How to 3 sets 10 reps -- rest EXERCISE 2B DUMBBELL FLYE You'll need: Bench, Dumbbells How to 3 sets 10 reps 2 min rest EXERCISE 3A DECLINE BARBELL BENCH PRESS You'll need: Bench, Barbell How to 2 sets 12 reps -- rest EXERCISE 3B CABLE CROSSOVER You'll need: Adjustable Cable Machine, D-Handle Attachment How to 2 sets 12 reps 2 min rest EXERCISE 4A BENCH DIP You'll need: Bench How to 4 sets 8 reps -- rest EXERCISE 4B STATIC LYING TRICEPS EXTENSION You'll need: EZ-Bar, Bench How to 4 sets 8 reps 2 min rest EXERCISE 5A CLOSE-GRIP BARBEL