
Showing posts with the label Best Exercises for Building a Bigger Chest

chest workout

10 Best Exercises for Building a Bigger Chest We're going to be honest with you when it comes to chest, the bench press is going to account for most of your workouts, but it doesn't have to be all you do. We've selected 10 chest exercises for building muscle, including presses and so much more. 1. Dumbbell Squeeze Press Why:  Squeezing the dumbbells together during a chest press moves the emphasis of the movement onto your pecs. This simple tweak engages them throughout the entire range of motion — a key factor to maximize muscle gain. How:  Lie on a flat bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Maintain a neutral grip and begin with your arms straight, directly above you. Bend your arms and lower them to the side of your body so the dumbbells lie just above your chest. Pause and then lift your arms to repeat. 2. Incline barbell bench press Why:  Pressing on an incline set-up works the clavicular head, which is why the incline barbell bench press makes your pecs pop. How:  L