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Best Back workouts

           CHIN UP :  Grab the bar with a shoulder-width underhand grip. NEUTRAL-GRIP PULL UP:  Grab the parallel handles of a chinup station so that your palms are facings each other. MIXED GRIP CHINUP:  Placing your hands shoulder-width apart, use an underhand grip with one hand and an overhand grip with the other. PULLUP:  This is the same movement as a chinup except that you grab the bar with an overhand grip that's slightly wider than shoulder width. START-AND-STOP PULLUP:  Perform a pullup, and then slowly lower halfway down to a dead hang. Pause, then pull your chest to the bar again. Pause, now lower all the way down to a dead hang. That's 1 rep. ISO PULLUP:  Perform a pullup, but hold your chin above the bar for 10 to 15 seconds. You can do this for several reps or on the last rep of your last set of pullups. TOWEL PULLUP:  Find your hand positions for a chinup, then drape a towel over each of those spots on the bar. Grab the ends of the towels so that your palms a

Best BACK WORKOUTS,Barbell Dead lift,Bent-Over Barbell Dead lift,Wide-Grip Pull-Up,Standing T-Bar Row

lates best workouts : straight road Dead lift. with Dumbbells Bent-Over Barbell Deadlift Wide-Grip Pull-Up.& close grip with straight road bend 90 Degrees with straight rod  T-Bar Row.  Wide-Grip Seated Cable Row. Close-Grip Pull-Down.  Reverse-Grip Smith Machine Row.  Single-Arm Dumbbell Row.       Barbell Dead lift: Approach the bar so that it is centered over your feet. Your feet should be about hip-width apart. Bend at the hip to grip the bar at shoulder-width allowing your shoulder blades to protract. Typically, you would use an alternating grip. With your feet and your grip set, take a big breath and then . Bent Over Barbell Row: Holding a barbell with a pronated grip (palms facing down), bend your knees slightly and bring your torso forward, by bending at the waist, while keeping the back straight until it is almost parallel to the floor. Tip: Make sure that you keep the head up. The barbell should hang directly in