
Showing posts with the label Single-Leg Press

Barbell Squat,Single-Leg Press,Wide-Grip Pull-Up,Bent-Over Barbell Row,Incline Bench Press,Seated Barbell Press

The 8 Exercises You Need To Pack On Serious Size:  top muscle-building moves for every major body part. 486 12 28 We posed this conundrum to one of the more relentless athletes we know, MuscleTech-sponsored athlete Lawrence Ballenger. He tends to use a range of movements, making the most of every tool at his disposal to ratchet up intensity and grind out productive workout after workout. But how would Ballenger squeeze nearly the same benefits out of a drastically reduced arsenal? The eight exercises he finally settled on hit every major body part while demanding the most of ancillary muscle groups. His short list provides an effective, efficient, full-body roll call of maximum mass builders that have you gritting your teeth and sucking air whether you're a beginner or have spent years heaving the iron. 1. Barbell Squat "This is the ultimate compound lift, giving you an overall thickness unli