Women's Fitness Trainer: 6 Week Women’s Workout for Fat Loss

This 6 week women's fitness trainer was designed to help you lose fat. Give this 4 day weekly workout protocol a shot & accomplish all of your goals!

Workout Summary

Lose Fat
Full Body
6 weeks
45-60 minutes
Bodyweight, Dumbbells, Exercise Ball
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Workout Description

Fat loss is a tricky thing.
You want to train and keep your strength levels and eat a good satiating diet, but you also want to strip away unwanted fat.
Many will participate in exclusive programs that are either all one way or another. For example, many will perform cardio only and neglect any type of resistance training.
The trick is to keep the muscle you have (since muscle helps burn calories) and to gradually burn fat by combining cardiovascular and resistance training to get a synergistic effect. This will also enable you to avoid long stints of starving yourself and to keep the muscle you have.
Below is a six week workout routine designed to shed fat and either keep or build a little muscle along the way.
Of course it goes without saying that your diet has to be on point in order to burn even more fat. No tricks, just hard work, consistency and the right mindset.

The 6 Week Women's Fat Loss Workout Plan

The following plan is to be performed twice per week and as a circuit. At the end you’ll have a choice of low intensity steady state cardio or high intensity interval cardio. Do each workout twice per week with at least one day of rest after two consecutive days.
Perform the following as a circuit with 3 to 5 rounds and 10 to 15 reps each. Rest 2 to 4 minutes after each completed round. Afterward, you’ll do a session of cardio to round out your fat-burning workout.

Women’s Fat Loss Workout 1

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press3-512-15
Dumbbell Jump Squat-12-15
Renegade Row-12-15
Dumbbell Lateral Lunge-12-15
Dumbbell Squat to Press-12-15
Dumbbell Upright Row-12-15
Dumbbell Curl-12-15
Exercise Ball Crunch-12-15
Interval cardio (mode of your choice): 2 minutes of warmup, alternate 1 minute of intense interval with 1 minute of low intensity active rest), end with 2 minutes of cool down. Perform a total of 8 to 10 intervals.

Women’s Fat Loss Workout 2

Plyometric Push Up3-512-15
Box Jump-12-15
Inverted Row-12-15
Dumbbell Reverse Lunge-12-15
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension-12-15
Goblet Squat-12-15
Ab Crunch-12-15
Lying Leg Lift-12-15
Steady state cardio of your choice: 20 minutes

The Best Fat-Loss Workout of All Time

Your Lean-Body Plan-what is the quickest way to shed weight, build lean muscle, and reveal a toned and sexy physique? The answer is simple: A combo of strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It's not revolutionary, but this regimen has been proven time and again to be the best training method to get a lean body in the least amount of time. You'll crush calories, build fat-burning muscle, and avoid plateaus.

I'll admit that as a woman, I was hesitant to start lifting heavy weights. In my mind, weight lifting equated to a "bulky" and "thick" body. But I quickly learned that this couldn't be farther from the truth. Muscle is metabolically active, meaning that it burns calories even at rest. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. Just remember that muscle is more dense than fat so don't rely on the scale to track your progress. You will see the amazing results in the mirror and feel them every time you pull on your skinny jeans.
This workout combines strength training and HIIT to give you a rock-solid core, lean legs, and defined arms.
You'll need: A pair of dumbbells (10-20lbs), a jump rope.
How it works: Do 1 set of each exercise without resting between moves. Repeat the entire circuit 3 times. If you're short on time, you'll still get a great workout by doing 1 full circuit. For best results, do this workout 3 days per week. To make it more challenging, increase the weight for each exercise

Single-Leg Dead-lift

This exercise targets the glutes and hamstrings, giving perfect definition and lift to your booty.
How to do it: Grab a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip and hold them at arm's length in front of your thighs. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Shift your weight into one leg. Without changing the bend in your knee, bend at your hips and lower your torso until it's almost parallel to the floor (keep the weight as close to your body as possible). Pause, then return to standing. Your back should stay naturally arched during the entire movement. Do 8 reps each side.


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