CrossFit Workouts To Try In Your Next Gym Session

Wonder people do Cross Fit  Try one of these popular WODs and wonder no more:

Six Types Of Cross Fit Workouts

Here are six of the most popular types of Cross Fit workouts you can use to break up the monotony of body-part splits and make you a more rounded athlete.


Stands for “every minute on the minute”. Start a running clock and do a set number of reps at regular intervals, typically (but not necessarily, despite the name) at the start of each minute. The EMOM workout scrutinises your powers of recovery.
Workout: Three clean and jerks every minute for 10 minutes


“As many rounds as possible”. Complete a given exercise combination as many times as you can within a given time. It’s a battle of mind over searing muscle.
Workout: 12 minutes of eight front squats and eight push presses

3. RFT

“Rounds for time” means completing a given number of rounds of a circuit as fast as possible. The short rest periods help develop long-lasting muscle endurance.
Workout: Eight rounds of 15 kettlebell swings, 10 kettlebell clean and presses and 5 kettlebell snatches

4. Chipper

A one-round series of exercises, usually with high reps, to be completed in the fastest time possible. A high-volume, muscle-building grind.
Workout: 100 press-ups, 75 bodyweight squats, 50 burpees, 25 pull-ups

5. Ladder

One or more movements, increasing or decreasing the workload over time.
Workout: 1-10 reps of goblet squats superset with 10-1 reps of pull-ups

6. Tabata

Do eight rounds of high-intensity intervals, alternating 20 seconds effort with 10 seconds rest. A fat-eviscerating finisher.
Workout: 8x Tabata rows for max distance

Six Popular Cross Fit WODs

We’ve included recommended weights, but it’s wise to do a trial run with a much lighter weight so you don’t do yourself a mischief. It’ll still be hard.


A Cross Fit classic, Fran is a great workout to revisit periodically in the hope that you will improve your time as you get fitter. Fran consists of just two exercises – thrusters (recommended weight 95lb/40-45kg) and pull-ups. You do 21 reps of each, then 15 reps, then nine, as fast as you can. Finishing in under six minutes deserves a pat on the back – don’t attempt this yourself because you may start to panic when you realise you can’t raise your arms.

Cross Fit workouts: the world's fittest women pick their favorites

No matter how hard and often you train, you’re unlikely to be able to keep up with the ladies of Cross fit. MF caught up with five of the toughest women from the 2013 Reebok Cross fit Games to ask for their favorite ‘WODs’, or Workouts Of The Day – usually short-but-brutal against-the-clock challenges that allow you to compare your scores with people around the globe. Take them on: if you dare.

Sam Briggs, Overall Winner

WOD: Nasty Girls
3 rounds for time of:
50 squats
7 muscle-ups
10 60kg hang power cleans
‘My favourite metcons tend to mix an Olympic lift with a gymnastic movement,’ says Briggs. ‘If I had to choose a favourite then Nasty Girls always springs to mind! I think benchmark WODs are a good indicator of how much you've improved but you wouldn't want to just focus on one or two as you would simply just get better at those.’ This is a toughie - if you can’t do a single muscle-up, sub in two pull-ups and two dips for each rep.

Stacie Tovar

WOD: Murph
1.6km run
100 pull-ups
200 press-ups
300 squats
1.6km run
‘CrossFit Hero WODs are my favorite. They are workouts dedicated to service men and women who have fallen in the line of duty. The sacrifices that these men and women make inspire to me and motivate me to push myself harder. Hero WODs are generally very tough because they are in memory of someone.’ A signature example is ‘Murph’, named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, killed in Afghanistan in 2005. Split up the pull-ups, press-ups and squats as needed - rounds of ten, 20 and 30 are a good idea.

Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet

WOD: Amanda
Three rounds (9, 7 and 5 reps) for time of:
60kg squat snatch
‘This is by far my favorite workout. It requires so much skill and the only way to be successful in this workout is to have a perfect harmony between technique and intensity. If you start to fast without the right technique you are going to hit a wall and at the opposite if you start too slow you won't give 100%.’

Christy Phillips

WOD: The Toughest 2.4k
Run five distances, each for time, resting for 2 minutes between each run.
‘Some of the worst, most gut-wrenching conditioning workouts I've ever done are single modality intervals,’ says Phillips. ‘This workout is scored by all five times, so there are plenty of places to improve.’


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