killer Superset Chest Workout,muscles,bench press,Dumbbell Press,Chest Flys,Diamond pushups,Fitness,strength,Training Bodybuilding heavy Weight Workout

supersets chest workouts:Barbell Incline Chest Press:

3 sets x 12 reps
Lie down on the incline bench and make sure your upper chest is aligned with the barbell.

Lie down with a dumbbell on each hand on top of your thighs. The palms of your hand will be facing each other.
Once you are laying down, move the dumbbells in front of you at shoulder width.
Once at shoulder width, rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you. This will be your starting position.
Bring down the weights slowly to your side as you breathe out. Keep full control of the dumbbells at all times.
As you breathe out, push the dumbbells up using your pectoral muscles. Lock your arms in the contracted position, squeeze your chest, hold for a second and then start coming down slowly.
Flat Dumbbell Flye :
3 sets x 12 reps

Begin on a flat bench with dumbbells on your knees. Lean back on bench and drive dumbbells up.
With a slight bend of your elbows, lower your arms out at both sides in a wide arc until you feel a stretch on your chest. Breathe in as you perform this portion of the movement.
Return your arms back to the starting position as you squeeze your chest muscles and exhale. Hold the contracted position for 4-second.
Rest 90 seconds and repeat the remaining 3 supersets.

 Flat Dumbbell Chest Press:

3 sets x 12 reps

 Lie on a flat bench with dumbbells and rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you.
The dumbbells should be just to the sides of your chest with your upper arm and forearm creating a 90 degree angle.
Be sure to maintain full control of the dumbbells at all times. This will be your starting position.
Then, as you breathe out, use your chest to push the dumbbells up. Lock your arms at the top of the lift and squeeze your chest, hold for 4-second and then begin coming down slowly.

 Incline Cable Flye:

3 sets x 12 reps

To get yourself into the starting position, set the pulleys at the floor level (lowest level possible on the machine that is below your torso).
Place an incline bench (set at 45 degrees) in between the pulleys, select a weight on each one and grab a pulley on each hand.
With a handle in each hand, lie on the incline bench and bring your hands together at arms length in front of your face. This will be your starting position.
With a slight bend of your elbows (in order to prevent stress at the biceps tendon), lower your arms out at both sides in a wide arc until you feel a stretch on your chest. Breathe in as you perform this portion of the movement.
Return your arms back to the starting position as you squeeze your chest muscles and exhale. Hold the contracted position for a second.

Decline Push Up:

3 sets x 25 reps

 killer superset chest workout

Lie on the floor face down and place your hands just inside shoulders-width while holding your torso up at arms length. Move your feet up to a box or bench. This will be your starting position.
Next, lower yourself downward until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.
Now breathe out and press your upper body back up to the starting position while squeezing your chest.
After a brief pause at the top contracted position, you can begin to lower yourself downward again for as many repetitions as needed. Rest for 45 seconds then complete the remaining supersets.

Chest Dips:

Perform 8-12 reps of each exercise for 3-4 supersets

Using parallel dip bars, hold yourself in the air. Place your legs behind you with your feet crossed over. As you lower yourself down, lean as far forward as possible, allowing your elbows to flare out as you dip down. When you press up to the top of the movement, ensure you do not totally lock out your elbows to help prevent injury.


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