
Triceps & Biceps Workout: This workout isn't easy. You're going to feel some pain. But you can't focus on the pain. Focus on your vision, your goal, your purpose—that will get you through anything. Keep your mind on the results and the energy will come. If you're ready, let's get it done. Are you afraid of being normal Then don't be! This deceivingly simple arm workout will hit your favorite muscle group from a range of angles. The creator says his reward for incorporating it consistently were arms that came in at just under 17 inches in circumference. Hammer-grip rope curl Measure yours—flexed, of course!—with a tape at the peak before and after a few weeks under this protocol. The supersets will leave you gassed, so don't expect to move much weight in the skullcrushers and close-grip bench at the end. This routine is meant to plug into your existing workout using the classic "bis with back, tris with

25 The Best Upper-Body Workout

25 The Best Upper-Body Workout : People throw around a number of different words they think are “synonyms” when it comes to strength training: weight lifting, resistance training… the list goes on. But really the term “strength training” incorporates body weight exercises, bands, machines, weighted equipment, and essentially anything that isn’t running, swimming, jump roping, or flexibility training (like stretching), according to  Men’s Fitness  with weight lifting—it’s an umbrella term that includes it. And while weight lifting is great, there are tons of other strength-training moves that don’t include actual weights that can help you sculpt a strong, muscular upper body. In fact, the most effective strategy is to integrate a combination of compound exercises into your routine. Some of those will include barbells and dumbbells and machines, yes, but others just require your own body weight and some call for resistance bands. upper body exercises  which wi