
The super-set workout to pack size on your shoulders

The super-set workout to pack size on your shoulders To make your upper-body look twice as big, you need to start training your shoulders with intensity and volume. And we're sorry, but bolting a few presses onto your chest day won't suffice. to   mastermind a workout that will double your shoulder size by cutting into your time spent resting.   has deployed the muscle-growth technique of supersets – pairing moves together – to pump up your shoulders unlike any other workout you've done before.   "Supersets are a great training method to really improve smaller or weaker muscle groups in the body. Given your shoulders are generally an area people miss out when training or don't give enough time in push or pull workouts, training them in this manner will really add a lot of lean muscle." On certain moves you'll reduce your reps and increase your weights. This will shock your muscles to stimulate extra growth in your shoulders. "Given