

 Full- Bod Superset  Thrasher Workout! Whip your entire body into shape with this workout that supersets your major muscle groups so you can get in and out of the gym with time to spare. There's no doubt that working one or two muscle groups per training session produces tangible results. However, if your schedule suddenly gets so busy that you can only manage a couple of workouts per week, then one muscle group is bound to get overlooked. The solution? A full-body workout that incorporates all of your muscles while keeping your strength and power at optimum levels. This workout implements supersets, which means you move from one exercise to the next without rest, then take a 1-2 minute rest after completing all the reps for both moves. Complete this workout 1-3 times a week when you don't have the time to give each muscle group its own workout. BARBELL UPRIGHT ROW / BARBELL BACK  SQUAT   (4 SETS OF 15 REPS/5 SETS OF 15 REPS)   

Best Back workouts

           CHIN UP :  Grab the bar with a shoulder-width underhand grip. NEUTRAL-GRIP PULL UP:  Grab the parallel handles of a chinup station so that your palms are facings each other. MIXED GRIP CHINUP:  Placing your hands shoulder-width apart, use an underhand grip with one hand and an overhand grip with the other. PULLUP:  This is the same movement as a chinup except that you grab the bar with an overhand grip that's slightly wider than shoulder width. START-AND-STOP PULLUP:  Perform a pullup, and then slowly lower halfway down to a dead hang. Pause, then pull your chest to the bar again. Pause, now lower all the way down to a dead hang. That's 1 rep. ISO PULLUP:  Perform a pullup, but hold your chin above the bar for 10 to 15 seconds. You can do this for several reps or on the last rep of your last set of pullups. TOWEL PULLUP:  Find your hand positions for a chinup, then drape a towel over each of those spots on the bar. Grab the ends of the towels so that your palms a

Ultimate Chest Workout, Barbell Bench Press, Flat Bench Dumbbell Press, Low-Incline Barbell Bench Press, Machine Decline Press, Seated , Incline Bench Cable Fly, Incline Dumbbell Pull-Over,

There are plenty of exercises you can do on chest day.  10 chest-building exercises: 1. Barbell Bench Press :   You  can generate the most power with barbell lifts, so the standard barbell bench allows you to move the most weight. It's also an easier lift to control than pressing with heavy dumbbells. The exercise is easy to spot and relatively easy to learn (if not master), There are plenty of bench-press programs you can follow to increase your strength.   

For A Complete Shoulder Workout,Dumbbell Shoulder Press,Military/Push/Machine Press, Front Dumbbell Raises,

 For A Complete Shoulder Workout : for-a-complete-shoulder-workout/ One of the most visually appealing muscle groups is the deltoids or shoulder. When fully developed the shoulders add width to your upper body and create the v-taper of the body down to your waistline. The shoulder is split into three parts: the front, side and rear deltoids. Training the shoulders is different to other parts of the body in some respect as there is more to it than just creating huge cannonball delts, there is also some priority to create proportion and symmetry in the shoulder muscles. Personally the effect on training shoulders is a different feeling to other parts of the body. I can hardly ever achieve a pump or DOMS. For me the shoulders have always just felt sore and because of this it is a difficult muscle to learn about training from experience. To make sure you have all bases covered when you are working out your shoulders make sure to include these exercises.

5 Best Exercises For A Bigger Chest,Flat bench ,Incline Dumbbell Press,Flat Dumbbell Fly,Bar Dip,Push-Up

5 Best Exercises For A Bigger Chest Building a bigger chest  .Get back to the basics with hard work and these 5 proven exercises. Flat bench : 1.3 1 559 Building the chest of your dreams shouldn't be treated like rocket science—overly complicated with a chance of blowing up in your face. Keran fitness likes to stick to the basics, using different angles and rep ranges to blitz every fiber in his pecs and elicit maximum growth. The exercises themselves may look simple enough, but it's up to you to dial up the intensity by giving yourself less time for rest. "I like to take as little rest as possible," says Grage, suggesting that you take 15-20 seconds of rest between your sets. There's no time for lollygagging. Great results don't come to those who wait; they come to those who work. Hit these five simple-but-brutally effective moves and build a chiseled chest!