BIGGER TRICEPS Cable Crossover,flat Bench Dumbbell Pullover
Best Biceps & Triceps:
Standing Biceps Curl:
- Stand up with your Grab the cable bar at shoulder width and keep the elbows close to the torso. The palm of your hands should be facing up (supinated grip). This will be your starting position.
- While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the weights while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Only the forearms should move. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and position for a second as you squeeze the muscle.
- Slowly begin to bring the curl bar back to starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. 12 too 15 reps.
Variation: You can also perform this movement using an Straight Rodstraight barbelll attachment or single handles
The biceps curl can be performed a number of ways: standing with dumbbells (both hands curling or alternating), one arm resting on inner thigh as with the concentration curl, preacher curl variations (including the one arm version featured in this article) and seated with dumbbells.
Given the main role of the biceps is elbow flexion, the logical movement for stimulating the most amount of muscle in this region is the curl, and the most basic of all the curling movements is the standing barbell version, universally known as the greatest biceps exercise ever.
Hold bar with a shoulder-width grip, with arms straight toward the floor and elbows locked an inch from your sides.
Curl weight toward the chest, while keeping the elbows and back fixed.
Contact the biceps as the bar reaches the front of the chest.
Resist weight as it slowly lowers to the floor for a full stretch.
Curl weight toward the chest, while keeping the elbows and back fixed.
Contact the biceps as the bar reaches the front of the chest.
Resist weight as it slowly lowers to the floor for a full stretch.

This exercise could be considered an isolating movement as it really focuses stress on the peak (which is found on the short head and is genetically determined) and adds to fullness at the lower portion of this muscle. However, as mentioned it does add to fullness and I have found it to be one the best movements for enhancing overall size.
Using a regular preacher bench, hold dumbbell with an underhand grip while locking elbow firmly in place in an extended position on the bench.
Slowly curl the dumbbell up, trying to touch the shoulder of the arm being worked.
Slowly curl the dumbbell up, trying to touch the shoulder of the arm being worked.

Another good overall mass builder (second only to standing bar curls in my opinion) is the incline dumbbell curl. It allows one to achieve a full range of motion while getting a maximal stretch at the bottom of the movement. The amount of weight used will be less than with the bar curl, but providing the form is kept strict it will produce an amazing pump.
Lying back on an incline bench, hold two dumbbells with arms extended down and back.
Curl the dumbbells up and out with both hands, being sure to turn the wrists as the weights are raised.
Slowly return to start position.
Curl the dumbbells up and out with both hands, being sure to turn the wrists as the weights are raised.
Slowly return to start position.

The hammer curl, although not strictly a biceps exercise, will develop the brachialis, lending a greater degree of overall size to the biceps area. The brachialis, the strongest flex-or of the elbow, runs along the side of the upper arm and comprises much of the lower biceps area.
It conveys the impression, in those with full development, of a tennis ball stuck under the skin between the biceps and triceps. Developing it to its fullest will help to push the biceps up therefore creating the illusion of a peak, and fill out the lower portion of the biceps, providing overall thickness in this area.
With elbows fixed at the side of the body, place the palms in a neutral position (palms facing one another).
Curl the dumbbells up, the same way you would for a regular dumbbell curl.
Lower dumbbells slowly and repeat.
Curl the dumbbells up, the same way you would for a regular dumbbell curl.
Lower dumbbells slowly and repeat.
Seated Dumbbell Curl:
The key to building any one muscle group is isolation, which is why Smith opts for seated curls over standing.
"I'm a pretty lower-body dominant guy," he explains, "so I feel like I have better form when I'm seated. It's like putting my arms on a preacher bench."
Sit on the edge of the bench holding the dumbbells. Before you begin, roll your arms back, retract your shoulder blades, and straighten your spine. Doing so immediately positions you to work your biceps. Curl with both arms simultaneously. Begin with a lighter weight as a warm-up for the first set. Go heavier for the remaining three.
Failure, as it turns out, is not only an option, it's Smith's main objective.
"When I say going to failure, that's exactly what I mean," says Smith. "Failure doesn't mean having a spotter help you with the last 4 reps. I do as many reps as I can with good form. As soon as I can't complete a rep, I've reached failure."

Focus on the negatives with slow and controlled movement. Keeping your upper arms stable so all the work stays in the biceps. Don't be afraid to drop the weight back down if you're struggling to maintain proper form.
"I'll go down in weight if I misjudge a set," Smith explains. "It doesn't mean it's a bad workout. Weight isn't everything. Your body doesn't know what weight you're lifting—it just knows failure."
Complete 4 total sets, starting at 12 reps. Increase the weight as you drop down to 10 reps, 8, and 8.
Wide-Grip Triceps Push-Down:
The key to developing triceps is to use a wider grip and keep your elbows tucked in to target the long head of the muscle. You're Not Doing Slow Negatives On These Moves," you know little tweaks in your form can make a huge difference in what muscle gets worked and how you feel an exercise.
Using a lat pull-down bar on a cable machine, start with your hands wider than shoulder width and bring your elbows in to your torso. Keeping your upper arms stable, press down the bar. Extend through your elbows. Focus on your triceps as you squeeze at the bottom. Slowly raise the bar back up, taking time to draw out that eccentric contraction.
Smith likes to end many exercises with several dropsets, especially when working with cables. He likes to use these added sets as an opportunity to change his grip, allowing him to hit different parts of the muscle with each set.

"A lot of people think you can only do one thing at a time," says Smith, "but you can work multiple things into one exercise."
Complete 4 sets of 8-10 reps. On the two additional dropsets, bring your grip in slightly each time, first to shoulder width, then to a narrow grip. This will target and fatigue the entire muscle group.
Wide-Grip Cable Curl
After you finish the push-down, switch to wide-grip curls. As with the push-downs, keep your elbows in and don't let your upper arms move at all—almost like you have a pad behind them.
Complete 4 sets of 8-10 reps, adding the same drop sets and modified grips in at the end.
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher
"The skullcrusher is as basic as it gets for triceps work.
Again, you'll use a wide grip on the bar. Keep your elbows in and stabilize your upper arms while you move the bar. Control your movement as you bend the bar back and touch your forehead. Then, contract the triceps and extend back up.
Pro tip: Retract your shoulder blades.
"I can't think of a single exercise where you'd want your shoulders rolled forward," says Smith.
Retracting the shoulder blades takes the pressure off the shoulder joint, forcing your triceps to do the work.

Another tip from Smith is to put the bar on your knee before you lay back on the bench, then tip it up to your starting point as you get in position. This is much safer than holding the bar across your chest as you lie back.
Complete 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Smith rarely does dropsets on compound free-weight movements, preferring to do them on cable machines.
Triset: Barbell Curl, Double-Arm Triceps Kick-Back, And Wrist Curl
Smith is known for his intensity and attention to detail, and this triset proves it! He finishes his arm workout with heavier volume on the biceps and triceps, throwing in wrist curls so you can't even hold a pencil by the end of the workout.
Use a straight barbell for the curls, keeping your hands wide and your elbows in.
For the kick-backs, keep your elbows in and stable as you contract the triceps and press the weights back. Use a weight you're comfortable with.
"I feel like kick-backs are something most people go too heavy on" says Smith. "Remember, you have to support the weight throughout the movement."

Once you finish the kick-backs, find a bench and use a straight barbell for the forearm curls. Keep your forearms, elbows, and upper arms aligned to minimize wrist strain. Tuck your thumb next to your hand and hold a pause at the top of each curl before lowering back down.
Smith's final piece of advice is to do what works best for you
"I'm never going to knock anybody's training," Smith says. "I know a lot of people that train super weird—I train super weird—and if that's what works for them, keep doing it. Just listen to your body and you'll get way better results."
Do 12 reps of each exercise in succession without resting. That's one triset. Rest a bit, then do another triset. Continue until you have completed four, at which point your arms will be totally smoked
Triceps:If you want your arms to look big, don't neglect your triceps. Yourtriceps are much larger than your biceps and you'll find that when you build up your triceps, your arms will look much bigger.

Place hands on dip bars, elbows bent.
- Push down, raising body upward.
- Lower and repeat.
- Push down, raising body upward.
- Lower and repeat.
2. French Press:

Lie on back.
- Hold barbell in hands as shown.
- Bend elbows, lowering barbell toward forehead.
- Straighten elbows and repeat..
- Hold barbell in hands as shown.
- Bend elbows, lowering barbell toward forehead.
- Straighten elbows and repeat..
3.Pulley Flex:

Stand in front of pulley.
- Grab rope, bar, or other attachment, palms down as shown.
- Straighten elbows, keeping elbows close to sides.
- Return to start position and repeat
- Grab rope, bar, or other attachment, palms down as shown.
- Straighten elbows, keeping elbows close to sides.
- Return to start position and repeat

Stand with feet hip distance apart.
- Begin with weight straight overhead in both hands.
- Lower weight to center of upper back.
- Keep elbows close to ears and pointed up.
- Straighten and repeat.
- Begin with weight straight overhead in both hands.
- Lower weight to center of upper back.
- Keep elbows close to ears and pointed up.
- Straighten and repeat.
5.Pulley Push-down:

Stand in front of pulley.
- Grasp handle with both hands.
- Begin with handle up to chin, elbows out to sides.
- Push down, straightening arms.
- Raise and repeat
- Grasp handle with both hands.
- Begin with handle up to chin, elbows out to sides.
- Push down, straightening arms.
- Raise and repeat

Stand with barbell in hands overhead.
- Bend elbows, lowering bar behind head.
-Straighten elbows.
- Lower and repeat
- Bend elbows, lowering bar behind head.
-Straighten elbows.
- Lower and repeat
7.Triceps Kickback:

Stand, leaning over chair or table, arm back, elbow bent, as shown.
- Hold weight in hand.
- Straighten elbow through available range.
- Return to start position.
- Hold weight in hand.
- Straighten elbow through available range.
- Return to start position.

Attach pulley to secure object.
Grasp handle, thumb up, elbow bent, as shown.
Straighten elbow.
Return to starting position.
Grasp handle, thumb up, elbow bent, as shown.
Straighten elbow.
Return to starting position.
conclusions: Triceps and Biceps bigger muscle gain further contact keranfitness
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