Biger Triceps ,Arms,Lying Triceps Press,Emphasis On Long Head,Flip of thumb,Cable press down
The long head of the triceps is the only head that originates above the shoulder joint. Only when you position your arm overhead does the long head stretch fully. Take note of that because a muscle can't maximally contract unless it's fully stretched first. Movements in which arms are by your sides do little to hit the long head. Overhead movements like seated overhead dumbbell extensions work best.
Even lying skull-crushers—in which your arms are perpendicular to your body—target the long head to some degree. If they're done on a slightly inclined bench, you get even more emphasis on the long head. Not surprisingly, then, shoulder overhead presses recruit the long head to a great degree.
The best approach is to start with bilateral (using both arms at the same time) multi-joint movements first. These moves let you handle greater loads; follow them with unilateral or single-joint movements. If you want to blow up that long head, don't do one-arm overhead dumbbell extensions before your overhead barbell presses.
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The medial head of the triceps is the most active of all the heads at almost all resistances and angles in both pressing (chest and shoulders) and triceps extensions. Usually all it takes to target this muscle is some good-old fashioned intensity. However, this head is relatively small, so unless you're King Kong, you can't go too heavy when trying to isolate it.
The debate continues about whether hand position really affects medial-head recruitment. Some argue that a reverse—or underhand—grip puts more emphasis on the medial head-fibers. Even still, it provides a good change of pace if you consistently do overhand-grip triceps exercises; you want to work a muscle from multiple angles for more complete development.
Most folks can't go heavy with reverse-grip exercises, so place those at the end of your workout.
This head is most active toward the end of the range of motion—when you straighten your arm. If you never fully straighten your arm, then guess which head you shortchange?
Neutral-grip movements (think dumbbell kickbacks or triceps exercises with the rope) as well as overhand grips, are the best lifts to target this head. The lateral head is also active when performing multi-joint triceps movements (dips, close-grip benches, machine dips) as well as skull-crushers on a decline bench.
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Cable press down :
Though you likely do many of your exercises using straight sets—you do a single set and wait for about a minute before doing your next one—you can increase the intensity by pairing two exercises that target the same triceps head from slightly different angles. Doing so increases time under tension (TUT), which encourages the release of anabolic hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone.
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cable press down triceps |
In addition, the faster pace moves you through your workout quicker. By combining all three supersets , you can focus on each of the target areas with minimal downtime.
The first exercise in each superset pairing is a multi-joint movement—the action takes place at both the shoulder and elbow joints—followed by a single-joint movement. For the multi-joint movement, use a relatively heavier weight so you reach failure between 6-8 reps.
With the second exercise, choose a somewhat lighter weight so you reach muscle failure between 10-12 reps. The heavy weight used in the first set is a great trigger for testosterone release. You'll need more rest at the end of your superset to maximize the amount of weight you can handle on the next go through.
Isolate and conquer. Try this approach and see if your arms don't start growing again.
Here are three supersets that allow you to emphasize particular aspects of the triceps. Choose a weight so you reach muscle failure by the target rep. Do the sequence a total of 4-5 times, keeping rest between supersets as short as possible. After you do both exercises, rest for two minutes before repeating.
Close-grip presses and extensions done on a 30-45-degree decline bench will minimize deltoid recruitment and may slightly increase medial/lateral triceps recruitment. These same exercises invoke more long head activity when done on an incline bench.
Tightly clenching your thumb around a bar using a clenched fist recruits the brachioradialis. This steals some of the tension away from the triceps. If your palms and wrists are injury-free, try using a grip in which your thumb is on the same side of the bar as your other fingers.

Holding the peak-contracted position—the last inch or so of the range of motio—increases the neural activity in the triceps. This translates as a stronger contraction. Another way to bring on the burn is rapid-fire pumping toward the top of the range of motion, especially after failure, when you can't do any more full-range reps.
Negatives or eccentrics are techniques in which you lowering the weight slowly to allow you to push past muscle failure. You can also use rest-pause, a technique in which you choose a fairly heavy weight—say a weight that you can do eight reps with—and do only five. Rack the weight, take a 15-20-second rest, restart the set, and do another five reps. String together 4-5 such work/rest periods and you've done 25 reps with your 8 RM. Now that's a ticket for muscle growth.
This workout makes a good change of pace from your usual triceps routine, but can also be done short term to bring up the long head.
Lying Triceps Press:
Emphasis On Long Head:
On the opposite side of the horseshoe, just above the medial head, is the bulky long head. As stated earlier, because of how it attaches above the shoulder joint, you need to put your arms in the overhead position to best engage it.
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This workout makes a good change of pace from your usual triceps routine, but can also be done short term to bring up the long head.
This workout makes a good change of pace from your usual triceps routine, but can also be done short term to bring up the long head.
- Warm-up sets aren't included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure.
- Choose a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure by the target rep listed.
- If you have a spotter, do a few forced reps on your heaviest set(s) of the first two exercises. If you don't have a partner, train as close to muscle failure as possible, and perform a drop set on your last set of each exercise.
Lying Triceps Press:
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Lie on a workout bench with a barbell in your hand, making sure to get a close grip on the bar where your hands, elbows and shoulders are all aligned. Bend your arms at the elbows to lower the weight just above your forehead and return to the starting position.
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