10 Highest-Rated Biceps Exercises

10 Highest-Rated Biceps Exercises To see a full array of biceps workouts, you can check out KERANFITNESS Exercise Database, which hosts video demonstrations of hundreds of exercises and thousands of reps with top models from the industry. But, if you just want to see the top ten biceps exercises as rated by you—our users—and incorporate them into your workout, keep reading! Exercise 1 Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl You rated these curls #1! The incline bench position increases the stretch on the long head of the biceps muscle and also locks your body against the bench so you can't cheat more weight during reps by rocking backward. An added benefit to hammers is that your wrist and elbow are less vulnerable to strain than during reps of other curls. Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl EXERCISE 2 Incline Inner-Biceps Curl This exercise also stretches the long head of the biceps. The more horizontal the bench during...