10 Best Shoulder Exercises

10 Best Shoulder Exercises Cable Reverse Flye Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise One-Arm Cable Lateral Raise Cable Front Raise Push Press Wide-Grip Smith-Machine Upright Row Face Pull Dumbbell Lateral Raise Seated Barbell Shoulder Press Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press Not all such lists, however, are totally devoid of worth. Take the one you’re about to read, counting down the 10 best weight-training exercises to develop your shoulders. Even if you disagree with the final outcome or grumble over the order, in the end, you’re left with something very valuable: 10 proven ways to build bigger, denser, wider delts. Yes, from 10 through 1, each of these exercises can settle one very important question: Just what are you going to do next time shoulders roll around in your training split. Cable Reverse Flye Exercises that specifically target the rear head of the deltoid muscle pop up three times on this list, and with good reason — the...