Best Exercises for Your Biceps
Best Exercises for Your Biceps. Period. Your arms will thank you for the pump you're about to receive. One of the biggest reasons dudes hit the gym is to make themselves look good . If you're just as focused on your appearance as building strength and mass — and there's nothing wrong with that — there's no better place to start than your biceps. The muscles are composed of a long and short head, which team up to handle movements like flexing, and curling, that make your arms pop. The muscles take up a ton of prime real estate on the front of your arm, and they're probably the easiest part of your body to show off no matter the situation or who you're trying to impress. Whether you rock a dress shirt or a tank top, a strong set of guns are sure to make waves. That’s why we created this list of 34 awesome ways to work your biceps. Some of these are classics; some are new. Some are a grind; some are fun. Some hit the long head of the muscle; some foc...