Best Weight Loss- ,Lunges,Burpees,Explosive Lunges,Squats,Double Jump,Mountain Climbers
Weight Loss:
Mountain Climbers:
Jump Rope:
There are many variations to the lunge, but the plain Jane forward
lunge is still very effective for weight loss, as it works multiple muscles at once (think: gluts,
quads, and hamstrings) for max calorie burn. Get ready to move those
short-shorts to the front of your closet.
Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. Place
hands on your hips or hold weights, and take a controlled step forward with
your right leg.
Keeping your spine tall, lower your body
until your front leg and back leg form a 90-degree angle.
Pause, then bring your right leg home to
Now do the other side by stepping forward
with your left leg.
Repeat 10 times on each side. Do a total of 3
This exercise effectively targets your core, chest,
and legs simultaneously. Feel the burn and know you're building lots of lean
Stand with your feet shoulder-width
apart and arms at your sides. Push your hips back, knees bent, and lower into a
Place your hands on the floor directly
in front of you and shift your weight to them. Jump back softly to land on your
feet in the plank position.
Jump your feet forward so they land
just outside of your hands. Reach your hands up and jump explosively into the
Immediately lower back into a squat for
the next rep. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Complete 3 sets.
Explosive Lunges:
High-intensity workouts like this explosive lunge
will get you sweating and torch major calories.
Start with your feet together, hands on
your hips. Step forward with your right leg.
Bend until your right leg is at a
90-degree angle. Jump up, switch your legs in midair, and end with the left leg
lunged forward.
Repeat the lunges, switching sides for
1 minute. Complete 3 sets.
Squats are one of the best exercises for weight loss. When you do them correctly, you engage your core and entire
lower body.
Start with feet hip-width apart, arms either
at your sides or holding weights. Keeping your weight in your heels, begin
lowering your legs and raising your arms in front of you.
Keeping your back straight, lower until your
thighs are parallel to the floor. Remember to keep your knees in line with your
toes the entire time.
Maintain an even pace and rise back to a
standing position. Repeat 3 sets of 15 reps.
Double Jump:
Take your traditional squats up a notch by
incorporating a jump and lunge. The movement will increase your heart rate and
you'll feel the burn in your abs, butt, and legs.
Lower into a deep squat and rise up as if you're
jumping, but land in a lunge position with your right leg back.
Use momentum to jump from this lunge position back
to a squat. Continue for 45 seconds, alternating legs. Do two sets total.
Mountain Climbers:
Whether you use resistance bands or not, mountain climbers are an excellent way to burn
calories. The quick leg motion targets oblique, butt, and hamstrings.
Loop centre of band around a stable post like
a couch leg. Start on floor in plank position facing away from post, feet
placed in handles like stirrups.
Alternately bring right and left knee in
toward chest, not allowing toes of bent leg to touch floor.
Repeat for 1 minute and rest 20 seconds. Do 3
Tabata Drill:
These intervals may be short—but trust us, you'll
appreciate the off intervals.
Begin with dumbbells up to your
shoulders and feet together.
The dumbbells jack straight up, until
arms are fully extended. At the same time jump your feet outward. Continue with
all-out effort for 20 seconds.
After 10 seconds of rest, place feet
shoulder-width apart, dumbbells at your chest.
Begin jabbing the dumbbells across the
body. Switching sides, continue with all-out effort for 20 seconds. After 10
seconds of rest, repeat both exercises for 8 rounds.
Jump rope is more than a middle school gym class activity: It's a
total-body toner made for weight loss.
Challenge yourself to complete a full minute of
jumping—we won't judge if you bust out the '90s jams too.
Check the length of your jump rope by holding
it in your hands and ensuring the handles line up with your shoulders.
Start with feet together, hands holding ends
of the jump rope, elbows in toward your ribs.
Swing the jump rope and hop over with feet
together. Do not jump in between, just jump with each swing of the rope.
Continue jumping for 1 minute. Complete 3 sets.
The goal of many bodybuilders is to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Unfortunately, for most who've been training for any amount of time, training with this goal in mind is typically a surefire way to stand in one place spinning your wheels for months—if not years—on end. It's often noted that bodybuilders tend to be extremists. Whether this is just a natural personality tendency among us, or it is a result of the habits requisite to induce noticeable and lasting physical changes in our physique, it rings true for a large majority. Even when taking training out of the equation, what other group of people or athletes puts itself through the dietary rigors of a bodybuilder? You eat enough to feed a small country while on a bulking phase, yet turn around and barely subsist on enough calories to feed a bird while on a cutting phase.
Anyone who's ever truly been on a real bulking phase or a cutting phase will know exactly what extremes I'm talking about. In order to gain muscle, the body needs food—and lots of it—coupled with a reduction of all extraneous activities. In order to shed fat after building this muscle, the body needs fewer calories and more tedious cardiovascular-type exercise. To try and embark on a mutual compromise between bulking and cutting typically brings compromising results in either direction.
However, with science, information, and understanding of how the various systems of the body function, we can better understand and apply correct exercise and nutritional timing to better enable us to achieve the goal of increasing muscle mass and losing fat simultaneously. The plan I am about to unfold here is, as only a bodybuilder would have it, a bit extreme. However, with dediction and hard work, it will enable you to achieve these two goals simultaneously by taking advantage of nutrients and exercise timing.
What we are going to do is take advantage of the body's hormonal state as it pertains to day-to-day circadian rhythms, exercise and nutrient timing. The plan involves periods of both extreme underfeeding for fat loss, and extreme overfeeding for muscle gain coupled with both training for fat loss (cardio, HIT) and training for muscle gain (heavy weights). Basically you'll be in a fat-burning mode the majority of the time, eating lower carbs and calories, and performing fat-burning activities like regular cardio and HIIT cardio to help in this aspect.
The rest of the time you'll either be sleeping, hitting the iron heavy and hard, or eating like a madman to drive protein synthesis, build muscle, and take advantage of the anabolic hormones induced by the weight training and feeding schedule. So let's take a look at the nuts and bolts of the program.
Some form of cardio should be done 3-6 days per week, and alternated between longer, slow-duration cardio and HIIT cardio. Walking on a slightly inclined treadmill for 45 minutes is an ideal form of the longer-duration cardio which should be performed on weight-training days (up to 3 times per week). Sprinting outdoors or on a treadmill and cycling are ideal forms of HIIT cardio which should be done on weight-training off-days (2-3 times per week). For the HIIT portion, there are many different methods of implementing this.
I like to keep the work:rest intervals a little longer than most at 1:2.
As an example, after a 4-minute slow jog/cycle warm-up perform 20 seconds of all-out sprints followed by 40 seconds of jogging, repeated for 8-12 sets with a 4-minute cool-down of slow jogging at the end. If there is one key to HIIT cardio, it is to keep it creative. Basically, the more you struggle with fat gain and/or loss, the more cardio and HIIT sessions you'll need to perform, with three cardio and three HIIT cardio sessions being the max. Those somewhere in the middle of the metabolic continuum should perform three HIIT sessions and ditch the regular cardio sessions. Those with excellent metabolisms might find they need only one or two HIIT sessions per week.
Weight Training:
The actual content of your weight-training sessions is not nearly as important as the timing. It is important for this program that your weight-training sessions be done sometime in the late afternoon/early evening, to allow you to burn fat throughout the day. This is the time when you eat a lower calorie/low carb diet. Also make sure you schedule the weight training early enough in the evening so you are allowed a minimum of six hours between your weight-training session and bedtime.
This is the time you will overfeed to drive protein synthesis and replenish glycogen stores. Doing so too early in the day would halt fat-burning for the rest of the day and put a damper on your training and fat-burning economy.
The weight training should be done 3 times per week on alternate days, M/W/F or Tu/Thu/Sat being ideal. The training sessions should consist of heavy, basic compound movements with some overlap. In other words, don't make any sessions arms-only. You want workouts that stimulate a lot of anabolic hormones and muscle mass. As an example, here is how I currently have my 3 times per week routine set up.
My training is usually done with mixed goals of performance and vanity, so it tends to be a bit unconventional for many. Keep in mind it is just an example.
Some men can lose up to 5 pounds per week, says Juge, if they follow the diet strictly. He recommends striving for a weekly 2-3 pound loss for more lasting effects. "That way it's not such a drastic change and you'll be less likely to put all the weight back on when the diet's done," he adds. Weigh yourself naked just once per week, at the same time, preferably on the same scale. That way it'll be as accurate as possible.
If you haven't lost any weight after the first week, it may be time to troubleshoot. In addition to following an exercise program, Juge's first line of defense is upping your cardio. Instead of one cardio session per day, he recommends doing 45 minutes of cardio in the morning, on an empty stomach. Then add a second 30-minute session in the late afternoon or evening.
If that doesn't stimulate weight loss, Juge's second line of defense is to cut carbs slightly. On lower days, drop to 60-80 grams a day rather than 100. Eat this low-carb diet for two days, then insert one higher-carb day (150 grams).
Think of your nutritional plan as the anchor to stabilize all of your other efforts. Eating right will help you shed fat, increase your energy and definitely look the way you want to. Follow this get-lean plan faithfully, and you'll be showing off your new, leaner body in less than a month.
If you haven't lost any weight after the first week, it may be time to troubleshoot. In addition to following an exercise program, Juge's first line of defense is upping your cardio. Instead of one cardio session per day, he recommends doing 45 minutes of cardio in the morning, on an empty stomach. Then add a second 30-minute session in the late afternoon or evening.
If that doesn't stimulate weight loss, Juge's second line of defense is to cut carbs slightly. On lower days, drop to 60-80 grams a day rather than 100. Eat this low-carb diet for two days, then insert one higher-carb day (150 grams).
Think of your nutritional plan as the anchor to stabilize all of your other efforts. Eating right will help you shed fat, increase your energy and definitely look the way you want to. Follow this get-lean plan faithfully, and you'll be showing off your new, leaner body in less than a month.
Hold the Ab Roller with both hands and kneel on the floor. Now place the ab roller on the floor in front of you so that you are on all your hands and knees (as in a kneeling push up position). This will be your starting position. Slowly roll the ab roller straight forward, stretching your body into a straight position.
The quest for six-pack abs marches on with a long line of in-home abdominal training devices. The AB Roller is one-such device. Although the AB Roller alone will not give you a lean, ripped mid-section -- spot reduction is not possible -- if you use it properly, it can help you strengthen your core muscles.
Massage Your Muscles .Using a foam roller is essentially a more affordable way to give yourself a deep tissue massage. By slowing rolling over various areas of your body, you'll help break up adhesion and scar tissue and speed up the healing and recovery process after your workout.
Flex your glues and abs. Keeping your back straight, lean forward and roll the wheel forward until your arms are overhead and your torso is nearly parallel to the floor. Roll the wheel back toward your knees to return to the starting position. Sets/Reps: 3x10. Variation: You can also do this with a barbell.
You cannot burn fat from specific parts of your body with specific exercises. The ab roller or any other specific abdominal exercise will not burn or reduce fat from your love handles. Though the ab roller may help tone and tighten the muscles beneath your love handles, other exercises may be more effective.
got good results from using the roller for just 2 minutes in the form of 2 x 1 minute sessions separated by a rest period of 30 seconds. Other research suggests between 1 and 5 minutes on each muscle group or working until a sensation of release is fel.
Sometimes this takes just 30 seconds, but at other times it can take 2 minutes or more. The goal of foam rolling is to get bound up portions of the muscle to relax, so when you feel the tenderness reduce in half, this is an indication that you are meeting your goal and the muscle is relaxing.
Now for the really interesting part, the diet! The diet is divided up into two separate phases: the low calorie low/carbohydrate portion and the high calorie/high carb portion. Here are the guidelines:
Low-Calorie/Low Carb Portion
- Duration: All day on weight-training off-days and 1/2-day on weight-training days.
- Caloric intake: 10-12 times body weight
- Macronutrient ratio: 50% protein, 30% fat, and 20% carbohydrate
High-Calorie/High Carb Portion
- Duration: On weight training days only. From the beginning of the weight-training session until bedtime.
- Caloric intake: The same amount as you would take in during a normal low-calorie day, but these calories are to be consumed in a time span of 6-8 hours. ( 10-12 x body weight or 1600-1900 calories for a 160-pound individual)
- Macronutrient ratio - 20% protein 5% fat and 75% carbohydrate
Maintenance Calorie/Carb Portion
- Duration: Weekends
- Caloric intake: 15 times body weight
- Macronutrient ratio: 50% protein, 30% fat, and 20% carbohydrate
Daily Schedule
- Monday - a.m. cardio, p.m. weight training*
- Tuesday - HIIT cardio performed anytime
- Wednesday - a.m. cardio, p.m. weight training*
- Thursday - HIIT cardio performed anytime
- Friday - a.m. cardio, p.m. weight training *
- Saturday - HIIT Cardio done anytime, maintenance calories
- Sunday - no training/maintenance calories
*Morning cardio optional, depending on individual

So let's take a trial run through the program. At a bodyweight of 160 pounds our hypothetical trainee needs 1600-1920 calories on the low-carb/low-calorie day. At a 50p/30f/20c ratio this will mean 200 grams of protein/80 grams of carbs and 53 grams of fat. Let's first use and illustrate a weight training off day, Tuesday as an example.
Preferably sometime in the late afternoon or early evening, perform HIIT cardio or sprinting. The timing for the HIIT on weight-training off-days is not terribly important, but keep in mind that the evening is usually a time when the metabolism begins to slow. By performing intense exercise at this time, we stimulate the metabolism so the metabolic rate over the course of 24 hours is greater. After this, have a protein drink along with some liquid carbs which would be equivalent to about half of the total 80-gram allotment of carbs for the day.
Since the body is most responsive to carbohydrate consumption following activity, try to get more carbs in post-workout, regardless of when you perform it. Throughout the rest of the day, the body would be in a hard-core fat-burning state. Diet would consist of mostly lean meats, fibrous veggies and quality fats about every three hours throughout the day.
Again, our hypothetical trainee gets up and this time does the optional slower, longer-duration cardio for 40 minutes, such as walking on a slightly inclined treadmill at a pace not so fast that it leaves him out of breath, but just fast enough so it would be a little difficult to carry on a conversation. After this, have a protein-carb drink. The amount of carbs would be less than the preceding days of HIIT cardio post-workout consumption, maybe 20 grams since the longer-duration slower cardio is less taxing on the glycogen system.
Another important thing to remember is, since this is a weight-training day and this training session is around 3 p.m. he'll only be eating the low-cal/low-carb portion for approximately half day, so the macronutrient total needs to be adjusted since those numbers are based on a full day's total. Instead of 1600 calories, 200 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs, and 53 grams of fat, we need to cut those in half and eat about 800 calories, 100 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbs, and 26 grams of fat from breakfast until 3 p.m.
Once 3 p.m. hits, the anabolism (and fun) begins! Just prior to the workout we'd have a serving of some type of stimulant and begin sipping on a carb/protein drink. (dextrose/maltodextrin/whey) or (BCAAs, dextrose,
). After the workout we would have another high-carb/protein drink of dextrose/maltodextrin and whey and head home for more great FOOD and CARBS! The macronutrient total from 3 p.m. until bedtime will total approximately 1600 calories /300 grams of carbs/80 grams protein/and 9 grams fat for a 160 pounder, so this pretty much means any low-fat carbohydrate sources are fair game.
Although complex carbs such as white potatoes, rice, oatmeal etc. are ideal due to their effects on replenishing muscle glycogen, it's OK to have some cereal, low-fat pastries, etc. during this time as well. Keep fruit and fructose consumption to a minimum, and definitely make sure you stay away from fat. Having high insulin levels coupled with fat intake will drive fat directly into storage. Continue to pig out on carbs until bedtime and then wake up the next morning for another 1.5 days of dieting before hitting the workout and overfeed all over again.
Easy FatLoss and muscle gain :
- Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, daily. ...
- Keep your carbohydrates low to moderate when trying to lose weight. ...
- Drink at least a gallon of water per day.
- 1/2 cup oatmeal made with water
- 6 egg whites cooked with 1 yolk
- 1 piece fruit
Meal 2
- 1 cup green veggies
- 8 oz. chicken breast
Meal 3
- 1 cup green veggies
- 6 oz. lean steak
- Large baked potato with skin (3-4" in diameter)
Meal 4
- Low-carb, low-sugar protein bar
Meal 5
- Omelet made with 8 egg whites and 1 yolk, cooked with 1/2 cup broccoli, 2 mushrooms, fresh salsa
1,862 calories, 226 g protein, 149 g carbohydrate, 35 g fat, 23 g fiber
Meal 1
- 1 cup whole-grain cereal
- 1 cup 1% milk
- 1 piece fruit
- 1 Tbsp. peanut butter
Meal 2
- Large baked potato with skin (3-4" in diameter)
- 1 cup green veggies
- 6 oz. chicken breast
Meal 3
- Large baked potato with skin (3-4" in diameter)
- 1 cup green veggies
- 6 oz. lean steak
Meal 4
- Protein shake made w/ 30-40 g whey protein
Meal 5
- 16-oz. can tuna (in spring water) made with 1 Tbsp. fat-free mayo
- 6-8 stalks asparagus
1,984 calories, 226 g protein, 200 g carbohydrate, 29 g fat, 28 g fiber
Meal 1
- 1/2 cup oatmeal made with water
- 7 egg whites cooked with 1 yolk
- 1/2 cup strawberries
Meal 2
- 1 cup green veggies
- 8 oz. chicken breast
Meal 3
- Large baked potato with skin (3-4" in diameter)
- 1 cup green veggies
- 8 oz. sliced turkey
Meal 4
- Protein shake made w/ 30-40 g whey protein and 1 cup berries
Meal 5
- 7 oz. lean steak
- 6-8 stalks asparagus
1,846 calories, 258 g protein, 122 g carbohydrate, 32 g fat, 23 g fiber
Conclusion :Very Easy Fat los & Muscle Gain And Diet :click
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