Back Workouts: AwesomeBody Space Back Workouts 100 302 Training Workouts Back Workouts : AwesomeBody Space Back Workouts A big, thick back is an essential piece of any awesome physique. Wide lats make your upper body look bigger and your waist look smaller, and thick traps—upper, medium, and lower—make your entire body look more powerful. If you want to look and perform like a superhero, you can't turn your back on back training. If you're not sure of the best way train your back—or you just need a new workout to add to your split—let these inspiring BodySpace members help you out. These seven Muscle-tech athletes know exactly what it takes to look great on the stage and perform at their peak in the gym. See how they train this major muscle group, and learn from their principles. When he trains his back, Ed likes to stick to the basics: wide-grip pull-ups, heavy rows, and deadlifts. His goal is to achieve overall width a...