Staying fit can eliminate genetic predisposition to obesity in older women,Running,and cardio

Staying fit can eliminate genetic predisposition to obesity in older women: According to the new study, women can successfully eliminate the risks of genetic predisposition to excessive weight gain if they practice exercise regularly. If you have been blaming your genes for your extra body weight, you need to stop and exercise to get rid of it in no time. The study states that if a woman practices to stay active, it will reduce the genetic predisposition to excessive weight gain. This impact is certainly more prominent in the elderly women above the age group of 65 years. According to the findings, the guidelines also encourage and maintain healthy behavior particularly in the elderly women in order to increase their longevity and quality of life. Joann Pinkerton, executive director at the Northern American Menopause Society in the said that humans are born with the genes of their parents and ancestors, but this study suggests that humans can improve their lives and h...