Chest Workout Size Gain
Want a workout that will challenge your experience level and build solid muscle? Get your barbell ready, because this is one chest workout you don't want to miss!
Many of us look forward to training chest, and if you're like me, you might even consider Monday the holy day of pec training.
If you seek ultimate chest gains and the kind of workout that will challenge your skills, keep reading—this pec workout is for you. Rookies be warned: This one won't be easy. With over 400 reps in less than 45 minutes, this is a chest workout for serious iron-game devotees.
Pec-Deck Fly
With this first exercise, you're really accomplishing two things: First, you're establishing a mind-muscle connection, feeling the pecs work so you'll know the reps you do are quality ones. Second, you're forcing blood to the area you want to build and stretching the muscle, so you can maximize the pump and build a chest to stretch any shirt.
You know the form on this exercise, so I won't bore you with the details. What makes this exercise a beast is the sheer number of reps in each set. Serious weight for 25 reps is no joke!
Choose a weight you know will be challenging. Then, sit down, rep it out, and feel the stretch and contraction in your pecs as you prep your muscles for what lies ahead. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
Incline Barbell Bench Press
Barbells allow you to load up the weight so you're overloading the muscles. Using a free weight instead of a machine forces the pecs to stabilize the bar while you work. The inclined angle targets that elusive upper shelf on your pecs. So, keep your shoulders back and make sure you're feeling it in the right muscles.

This is a tough rep scheme, so grip the bar, use a full range of motion, and power up that weight. Unleash the beast you're trying to become. Load more weight after each set to push yourself on every rep.
A word about that last rep, the single. Don't do a max. Your pecs will be taxed. Load up a weight you feel confident you can push. Take a lift-off and spot to be safe. Rest 90 seconds between sets so you have enough recovery to hit it hard.

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Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbells force each side to do its own share of the work. They also allow for a better range of motion. You've already focused on power—now focus on making those muscles grow.
Using a wide variety of rep ranges gets all the muscle fibers to join the party. At 40 reps, you're starting fairly light on the weight, but don't be afraid to load up more weight with each drop in reps. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
Incline Dumbbell Fly
Ideally, use a different angle for this than you did on the barbell press. The different angle will challenge your pecs in a different way.

This rep scheme is the opposite of the previous exercise. This time, as the reps go up, the weight comes down. Although it's tempting to speed through the reps, slow down and focus on feeling that muscle work. Don't just count your reps—make each rep count! Rest 60 seconds between sets.
Seated Machine Chest Press
If you don't have a seated chest press machine at your gym, use a resistance band and wrap it around an upright bar, or use a cable cross-over machine. Pressing horizontally is easier on your delts and tougher on your pecs, so keep your chest up and arms level.
Using a machine or band restricts the motion through your shoulders, so you can just focus on doing the work with your pecs. This is a lot of volume, but keep that rest to 60 seconds. You're on the home stretch now. Stay strong!
The good news is push-ups are the final exercise of this monster workout. Even better news? You get to do 100 total. You're welcome.

If you've been working hard, your muscles should be gassed at this point. To get through 100 grueling push-ups—without cheating—just start cranking out reps, performing as many good push-ups as you can until you reach failure.
Rest for 30 seconds, then pick up where you left off. Every time you hit failure, rest for 30 seconds, and keep counting. Keep going until you make it to that 100th and final rep of the day!
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
The Smith machine focuses your effort on the upper chest. Now you're freed up to direct all your attention to pressing up the weight by recruiting your chest muscles instead of your arms. Get a solid contraction on your upper pecs as you reach the end of the positive portion of the exercise. Drop your weight by 50 percent for the fifth set and go until failure.
Incline Cable Fly

Using a slow tempo, get a good stretch on the eccentric portion of the exercise and a good contraction at the concentric end, as you bring your hands together. This is going to wear you out before you start the plate press. Suck it up and get it done if you want real growth by the end of the workout.
Svend Press
You don't need to use a lot of weight for this one. Hildebrandt is a very strong guy and he uses 10 pounds here. Even at what may sound like a light weight, you're still going to dig deep into your chest muscles for greater growth.
Dumbbell Bench Press With Neutral Grip
Start with your elbows flared at the bottom of the lift. As you push the weights up, bring your elbows together. Once you've reached the peak, press the dumbbells together for a 3-second contraction, one that should reach all the way to your inner pecs.
Machine Dip
By now, your chest should be feeling pretty torched. Doing 3-second negatives on top of that will torch you some more. You'll be tempted to move a little faster as you let yourself down. Don't do it! Count slowly in your head and use all 3 seconds to get to the bottom of the dip. Do this with each and every rep.

Focus on getting a good stretch as you spread your arms out and move into the fly. Open your chest up fully during this eccentric portion, then shift your focus to getting a great contraction as you bring together your hands.
Close-Grip Push-Up
Assume the normal push-up starting position, except with your hands close together on top of a medicine ball instead of on the floor. Using a controlled tempo, slowly lower your chest to the medicine ball. As you push up again, squeeze your pecs to make sure you're working your inner chest with each rep.
Do this workout up to two times per week. Give yourself at least 72 hours of rest before repeating it—your chest muscles need time to recover and grow!
Learn how beginners can build a massive chest! This guide discusses the chest, its function and recommended exercises. Try these 5 great chest workout programs for size!
Main | Arms | Back | Chest | Core | Legs | Shoulders
Does your chest resemble a sheet of plywood instead of the mountains of muscle you have always wanted
Do you spend countless hours on the bench press with no gains in size
Have you started to think that you were just not meant to have a big chest
Well, stop right there, you're wrong ...
I can't promise you will ever have the chest of the great but I can promise
that you can make a difference to your chest and put some great size on it
if you are willing to just hear me out .
I I will discuss the anatomy of the chest, its function and location in the body,
and some exercises for each area of the chest. Finally, and what you \
have been waiting for, I will include five of my favorite workout programs to
help turn your flat chest into massive slabs of muscle!
Chest Anatomy And Recommended Exercises
The chest is made up of two muscles that work together to make the chest
function. The muscle are the pectorals major and pectoralis minor.
Basically, the pectoralis minor is located directly underneath the pectoralis major.
Overall, these chest muscles start at the clavicle and insert at the sternum
and the armpit area (humerous).
The three different functions of the chest muscles are the side arm pitching
motion, the ability to bring your arm up and down at your sides, and the classic
arm wresting motion. The basic recommended exercises for building up your chest include the bench press and flyes.

Chest Building Pointers
Though the chest is made up of one single mass of muscle, it should be
trained like it was broken into 3 parts. The upper,
middle and lower portions of the chest are stimulated best from changing the
angle in which you execute the exercise.
The upper chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45%
incline bench. For example incline barbell and dumbbell bench press or
i incline dumbbell flyes are great upper chest exercises.
The middle chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a flat bench.
For example: flat barbell and dumbbell bench press or flat dumbbell flyes
are great middle chest exercises.
The lower chest is best stimulated from exercises done on a 30-45%
decline bench. For example: decline barbell and dumbbell bench press
or decline dumbbell flyes are great lower chest exercises.
I find all areas of the chest respond best in the beginning to low (4-6) or
moderate (8-12) rep ranges. Rarely, I will include higher rep ranges for beginners.
I believe the heavier weight helps build a more solid foundation that beginners need.
I also find that free weights should be your entire focus in the beginning, especially
if chest is a weak point for you. The free weights just develop the chest a lot better than machines do, in my opinion.
Now that you understand about what muscles make up your chest, their function,
l location and the rep range needed to stimulate them, let's give you some workouts
to help you build your chest.
All exercises should be performed in perfect form because bad form or
habits that you start now will follow you and will lead to lack of progress, or
worse, future injury down the road. Many if not all the exercises will be new to you.
So make sure you use the to help with your form.
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