5Best Exercises For A Bigger Chest
Building a bigger chest
Building the chest of your dreams shouldn't be treated like rocket science—overly complicated with a chance of blowing up in your face. likes to stick to the basics, using different angles and rep ranges to blitz every fiber in his pecs and elicit maximum growth.
The exercises themselves may look simple enough, but it's up to you to dial up the intensity by giving yourself less time for rest. "I like to take as little rest as possible, suggesting that you take 15-20 seconds of rest between your sets.
For A Bigger ChestThere's no time for lollygagging. Great results don't come to those who wait; they come to those who work. Hit these five simple-but-brutally effective moves and build a chiseled chest!
1. Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Bench Press
3 sets of 20, 15, 12 reps
When it comes to chest day, the barbell bench press is a perennial favorite. "It's the ultimate muscle-builder," keranfnessit says. He likes to grasp the bar with a wide grip and use the first set of 20 reps as a warm-up set. Add more weight as you move through to the final set, in which you perform only 12 reps but with a load heavy enough to truly test your mettle.
2. Incline Dumbbell Press

Incline Dumbbell Press
2 sets of 15-12 reps to failure
The benefit of the incline bench's angle is its ability to emphasize the upper chest, carving out that more rounded look in your pecs. Grab a challenging weight and bang out the first 15-12 reps of the first set. For the second set, keep the same weight but bring your muscles to failure. Make sure that your elbows never drop past your shoulders as you perform each rep, and squeeze the pecs throughout.
3. Flat Dumbbell Fly

Flat Dumbbell Fly
2 sets of 20 reps to failure
The fly helps recruit a greater amount of muscle fibers across your chest than some pressing exercises and improves the "mind-muscle connection" in more novice lifters, allowing them to engage the chest muscles more in other exercises.
Knock out two sets of the flat fly. The first set has a stopping point of 15-12 reps, but the second set should take you to muscle failure again. According to James, you should "emphasize going really deep on these, getting that stretch. Really feel that at the bottom of it and squeeze it all the way to the top. Don't worry about clanking the weights together.
4. Bar Dip

Bar Dip
3 sets to failure
Next up is a fairly underrated and forgotten exercise. The bar dip focuses on the lower portion of the motion to really hammer and isolate the chest.
Start with as wide of a grip as you can. Drop as low as you can and heave yourself only halfway up while kicking your feet back and keeping your body forward as much as possible. Crush every set all the way to failure.
5. Push-Up

100 reps
Push-ups: the one bodyweight chest exercise to rule them all.
Using this set as a pretty red ribbon to complete the whole pain package, cranks out 100 reps total in as few sets as possible. Do as many as you can and rest briefly, if needed, and then continue riding the gain train.
And does push-ups on his knuckles—no big deal. "Do them in whatever fashion you choose, so long as you complete the 100 reps and really burn the muscle out," he says. "This will give you that blood flow and extra pump.
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