Belly FatFlat Stomach ExerciseTummy ExerciseFat Burning ExercisesBelly Fat Burning Exercises
5 Best Stomach Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat:

Bigger the Belly, Bigger the Risks
Vanity isn't and shouldn't be the only reason you should want to dislodge your belly fat. It should be 'good health' because a big belly can have some serious healthimplications.
Belly fat could put you at the risk of sudden cardiac death, according to a study that was published recently in the journal Heart. Higher the waist-to-hip ratio, higher the chances of cardiac death. But this presents the worst case scenario. Some other conditions belly fat could lead to are: hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol.
Snack - What you eat is probably the most important factor that disturbs your weight. A study conducted by scientists from Penn State University showed that snacking on almonds could help curb belly fat. That's great because we also know that almonds help curb the appetite. So not only can you control how much you eat, you can also burn fat!
Diet - If you consume more calories than required and don't workout, it's only normal that you'll put on weight. And if you want to avoid that, your diet is the first thing you need to curb. Cut out the excess salt, sugar and fat. But don't stop eating or cut your calorie intake drastically. If you do, then your body's response to it isn't always going to be good. Your body could up the production of the stress hormone cortisol and start to store fat in your abdominal area.
Besides your diet, there's another very important touch point you need to go over. Exercise! For those of you who can't make it to the gym or your nearest park, here are five wonderful workouts you can do at home.
Fit ball - Grab one of those big inflated balls to do the following exercises.
1. Reverse curl with ball - Lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Rest your heels and calves about knee-width apart on the ball. Tense your abs and, holding the ball between your heels and thighs, raise it off the floor. Slowly, return to starting position.
2. Back extension - Stabilise yourself on the ball, face down, so that only your feet are on the floor. Place your hands on your lower back and slowly lift your spine off the ball. Make sure that you don't hyperextend your spine while you do this exercise. Slowly return to starting position.

3. Roll like a ball - Sit with your knees bent, holding your ankles. Initiate the movement by rolling backwards and bringing your knees with you. Inhale as you roll back and exhale as you come forward. Each time you come forward, "put on the brakes" and balance on your tailbone. Hold for 30 seconds. Do not allow your feet to touch the mat.
Exercise Those Abs
4. Crunches - Lie on your back with your knees bent, and your hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders off the floor and curl your legs towards your ribcage; simultaneously. Slowly, return to starting position.

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