
Chest workouts

Dumbbell exercises for chest muscles target the inner, outer, lower and upper pectoral muscles. Browse through the various dumbbell exercises for the chest (pectoral muscles) below:  Bench Press  Incline Bench Press (Neutral Grip)  Decline Bench Press Lying Fly Incline Fly Straight-Arm  Pullover Bent-Arm Pullover Workout 1: Chest 1 1 Bench press Sets  5  Reps  5 Tempo 10X0 Rest 60sec Lie on a flat bench holding a barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Brace your core, then lower the bar towards your chest. Press it back up to the start. 2 Incline bench press Sets  5  Reps  5  Tempo  10X0  Rest  60sec Lie on an incline bench holding a barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Brace your core, then lower the bar towards your chest. Press it back up to the start. 3A Incline dumbbell press Sets  4  Reps  8  Tempo  2010  Rest  2...

Top 10 Highest Rated Biceps Exercises

  Top 10 Highest Rated Biceps Exercises: They may not be the biggest or the strongest muscle group in your body, but your biceps are arguably the best "show" muscles. Functionally, the biceps muscle is pretty straightforward—it flexes the elbow—yet humankind has come a long way since the days of hoisting a club. These days, we don't just want our biceps to work, we want them to represent! Today, there is a dizzying number of exercises to bring out every vein, bulge, and peak in your biceps muscle, and there are very few people who don't incorporate at least one or two of these into their workout. To see a full array of biceps workouts, you can check out keranfitness.  Exercise Database , which hosts video demonstrations of hundreds of exercises and thousands of reps with top models from the industry. But, if you just want to see the top ten biceps exercises as rated by you—our users—and incorporate them into your workout, keep reading! Exercise 1  Incline Dumbbell Ham...

10 Best Shoulder Exercises To Build Muscle

  10 Best Shoulder Exercises To Build Muscle! The list you're about to read is based on two factors: EMG tests, which measure electrical activity in the deltoids; and an exercise's ability to accommodate load. For example, you may be able to do an overhead barbell press with 185 pounds, but use only 35-pound dumbbells on lateral raises. More often than not, then, the press is the better choice, even if the lateral raise totally lights up the EMG. We cite research, when available, but we'll admit upfront that this list reflects yet another factor: our best judgment, based on many years of lifting. Which are the best exercises for overall shoulder development? We let science decide. For each exercise, we'll tell you why it made the list and how to use it in the context of your workouts. If you disagree with our selections, or think we missed the boat by overlooking your favorite shoulder exercise, let us know in the comments section below! 1.  Barbell Push Press Why it ma...