Best Cross Fitness Weight loss,And Muscle gain

CROSS-FIT WORKOUTS The test limits of your strength, speed and endurance, with or without a group setting. Hear mixed opinions about Cross-fit. It's worth it.But if you want to test yourself before you jump in feet-first, put yourself through these six ultra-demanding Words that's Cross-fit-speak for "workout of the day. And what workouts they are. These nasty routines run the gamut from extremely difficult to utterly vicious and borderline insane. As long as you're giving them your all, they'll leave you winded and sore like never before. Dead lift Arguably the king of all exercises, the dead lift hits every major muscle group hard, and is perhaps the greatest test of strength there is. Because of all the muscles involved, it releases a huge amount of testosterone (a muscle-building hormone) into the bloodstream. For this reason, the dead lift is a great cornerstone for any fitness plan. Use this 6-week training ...